Why Christianity Opposes Same-Sex Relations But Not Pork-Eating, Didn't See It Coming and More!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

Why Christianity Opposes Same-Sex Relations But Not Pork-Eating via Big Blue Wave - BigPulpit.com

Raising the Tone of Catholic Music – Beverly Stevens, Regina Magazine

Synod Fallout: Anti-Gay Security Guards Lose Jobs – Donald R. McClarey JD, The American Catholic

The Liturgy & the New Evangelization – Dr. Jeremy Sienkiewicz & Celina Pinedo, Homiletic & Pastoral Review

Pope Francis Marrying Sinners Is No Surprise by Bernard Toutounji of Ignitum Today - BigPulpit.com

The Pope Who Confronted the Modern World – Carlos X, Catholic Lane

Father Groeschel Is Still Teaching – Jamey Brown, Catholic Stand

The Ironic Outcome of the Benedictine-Jesuit Controversy – Peter Kwasniewski, New Liturgical Movement

Synod on the Family: Success or Failure? - BigPulpit.com

Pope Francis Praises ‘Farsightedness’ of Pope Paul VI – Francis X. Rocca, The Catholic Herald

I Didn’t See It Coming – Patti Maguire Armstrong, Catholic Stand

What I Owe to Blessed Pope Paul VI – Dr. Ed Peters, In the Light of the Law

Gratitude, Whos & Whats – Burke Ingraffia, Ignitum Today

Six Ways to Connect Your Children With Nature - Mary Ellen Barrett, Seton Magazine

Wrangling in Rome, What Good Is It? – Fr. Dwight Longenecker, Standing on my Head

Justification: Process or One-Time Deal? – Tim Staples, Catholic Answers

A Proper Understanding of Biblical Inspiration – Br. Athanasius Murphy OP, Homiletic & Pastoral Review

Does the T. L. M. Have Too Much Pomp? – Ben Yanke, New Liturgical Movement

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‘Rowing Team’

The Commonly Misunderstood Common Good

“By common good is to be understood ‘the sum total of social conditions which allow people, either as groups or as individuals, to reach their fulfillment more fully and more easily.’” (CCC 1906)